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8 Scenarios You Can Model With PlannerPlus

This article describes common scenarios that PlannerPlus members can model.

Nancy Gates avatar
Written by Nancy Gates
Updated over a week ago

Learn about advanced modeling scenarios available in PlannerPlus.

1. You can model 3 different budgets

Monthly expense totals can be used for budgeting different phases of your life. Enter budgets for time periods such as pre-retirement, early retirement, and late retirement.

PlannerPlus Budgeter lets you enter a "Must Spend" budget and a "Like to Spend" budget. Use this to model a necessities budget and a discretionary budget. Or, use this to model your current budget and a cost-cutting budget.

2. You can model ROTH Conversions

Look at your tax projections to identify planning windows for tax optimizations. Model ROTH Conversion ladders and see the impact on your estimated lifetime tax liability.

3. You can model relocating your Primary Residence

Housing is a significant expense. Where you decide to live can have huge savings on cash flow and taxes. See what happens if you downsize or relocate to another state after retirement.

4. You can model future real estate purchases and sales

Thinking about becoming a real estate mogul? Want to model your land-lord exit strategy? Enter future real estate transactions to see the impact on your plan.

5. You can model and compare withdrawal strategies for tax-deferred assets

You can model 3 different withdrawal strategies. Use PlannerPlus to project the outcome of spending based on expenses you modeled, the maximum you can spend to not run out of money, and when using a fixed percentage withdrawal each year.

6. You can model Inherited IRA RMD withdrawals

Model the impact on your plan when you take a lump sum RMD distribution compared to spreading the withdrawals out over time.

7. You can model the cash flow for a future annuity purchase

Analyze the tradeoffs of purchasing an immediate or deferred annuity. See how the cash flow projections change when you delay the start of the annuity, add the cost of living adjustments, and add survivor benefits.

8. You can model the impact of a spouse passing at different ages

When household changes from 2 people to 1 person, there are unexpected impacts on your plan. Social Security benefits and tax deductions will decrease, while expenses and RMDs may stay the same. Stress-test your plan against various scenarios.

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